Q&A Questions and Answers:
I was wondering if you know how to teach a horse to stop spooking at everything that moves?
First, let me tell you some things NOT to do:
When I first got Willy, he had a real fear of culverts under driveways. I don't know if something jumped out at him from one or if he may been injured by one in the past, but they drove him bonkers! He would snort, lay his ears back, and brace his legs for a quick turn around and escape.
After I figured out what was making him spook, I had him slowly walk toward the culvert until he tensed his legs. Then I just sat calmly and patted him on the neck while quietly telling him that the culvert was "good." After he settled down, I'd circle him around the culvert at a comfortable distance and ride on. At the next culvert, the same scenario was repeated... but we were able to approach a little closer. And so on, until Willy just gave culverts a wary glance as he walked by.
Remember also that your horse sees the world differently than you do.
Things that are clear to you look fuzzy and somewhat "over-exposed" to
your horse. A light-colored object in motion can appear like a miniature
lightning bolt to him. In addition, he has difficulty guessing how close
he is to a strange object. If you learn to see the world as your mount
sees it, you'll be better able to anticipate a potential spooking situation.
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