Cowboy Bob's Dictionary

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Eagle - 1. A former United States gold coin, first produced in 1795, worth 10 dollars.
2. A large, keen-sighted bird of prey noted for its broad wings and soaring flight; the bald eagle is the national symbol of the United States of America.
Eagle gold coin

Earmark - Distinctive cut in a cow's ear to show ownership.

Easy Keeper - An animal that can thrive on relatively little food and that requires little or no special care.

Egg and Spoon Competition - A competition in which riders attempt to carry an egg on a spoon while riding a horse at various gaits. Dropping the egg results in elimination from the contest. Egg and Spoon Competition

EMS - See Equine Metabolic Syndrome.

End - The surplus loose portion of a lasso that extends beyond the roper's hand.

End swapper - A bronc that reverses its position in the middle of a high buck.

EPM - Abbreviation for Equine Protazoal Myeloencephalitis, also known as "possum disease;" a neurological disease that is sometimes confused with West Nile disease, rabies, or equine encephalitis.

Equalizer - A revolving pistol, especially the Colt Single Action Army revolving pistol. A common frontier saying after the Civil War was, "Abe Lincoln freed all men; Sam Colt made them equal."

Equinia - See "Glanders."

Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) - Similar to Cushing's Disease, EMS is similar to, and often related to, Cushing's. The primary difference is that horses with EMS usually do not retain their long winter coats.

Ermine Marks - Dark hairs that appear in white areas just above a horse's hoof. Ermine Marks

Escarpment - A roughly vertical cliff marking the edge of a plateau or ridge, often miles long. Escarpment

Espuela - (Es-PWAY-la) A Spanish noun meaning "Spur."

Exhibition Ride - An individual, non-competition ride, sometimes as a practice run, sometimes to please the crowd, and sometimes as entertainment paid for by the rodeo producer or some other sponsor.

Express Wagon - A light delivery wagon. Express Wagon

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